понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve lived a rather sordid life. Iapos;ve hurt many people without turning my head to peek at their misery. None of it ever concerned me. My excuse is that I was young and selfish and I would have done anything to make it stay that way. However, I know Iapos;ve made mistakes and no one seems to understand that I am owning up to them only now because I realize that I am an adult now. I am ready to take responsibility for my actions but no one wants to give me a chance. So I have to take drastic measures to get my point across. Shirly belongs with me. She belongs to me. I will deliver this one last blow and be done with the past and live my happy life with the woman I love.

I am now sitting in this board meeting; about to take Kateapos;s beloved job from her and when she thinks thatapos;s bad, I will completely crush her with my new-found evidence.

"I feel that I can bring this company back from being the underdog to new heights. I think you will find my offer is quite attractive," I stated confidently as I slid the paper with the magic number on it to the CEO.

He must have enjoyed it because his response was exactly what I hoped for. This is honestly the most money I have ever spent on a woman so I know I love her. I know I never much cared for look at one in their lowest and most miserable state but I had to peek at Kate. I almost drooled in bliss at her agony. She tried to keep a poker face but I saw right through it like crystal clear glass.

The meeting was brief, we made the exchange, I signed paperwork, and most had left the room, Kate included. When I left the conference room, I saw everyone back at their work areas. Kate, however, was packing up her office. I knew it was quite bold of me to exchange words with her but I had to.

"And where are you off to so early in the work day?"
"You must think you are so suave, Xander. But I wonapos;t sit here and let you fire me. Iapos;d rather quit," she said with a snarl.
"Why do you think I want to fire you? I was thinking you could be my Vice President," I lied.
"Iapos;m not an idiot. You wouldnapos;t have even thought of buying this company if it meant you couldnapos;t fire me," she picked up a box and proceeded out the door but turned to say, "I will return for the rest of my things later."

I had gotten one task completed. I had no intention of bringing this company back from down under. I was going to make sure it plummeted further into the ground. But not before I made the money I spent on it back. I was going to the usual place for lunch when I noticed Shirly and Kate were actually there today. I was surprised that Kate wasnapos;t curled up in bed from depression. She really was a strong woman. I was contemplating hatching my grand scheme here but decided to retreat. Tomorrow was another day. A better day, I felt.

I returned to my hotel to find my door was slightly ajar. I entered with caution and looked in the bathroom, the closet, the kitchen area, but I got to the bedroom and there was a familiar figure sitting on the bed.
"Caleigh...heh...youapos;ve got some nerve showing up here, you dirty slut," I smirked.
She returned my smirk and then some which threw me off-guard. What was that about?
"You can stop calling me that now. I know what you did and I wonapos;t let you call me out of name anymore," she paused, "And to think I almost apologized to you for something that never happened."
"Heh," I chuckled, "so that guy blabbed? Interesting."
"Iapos;ve known for a long time but you were with Shirly so I refused to disrupt anything. But now you arenapos;t and I will make sure it stays that way."
And then, she pulled out a gun.
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